A 1/2 pig order is great for a family to enjoy pasture raised pork. Everything is wrapped to maintain freshness for at least a year.
Weight: Weight is 80 lbs** & includes:
- 20 lbs or mixed Pork Chops/Steaks
- 6 lbs Spare Ribs & Country Style Ribs
- 25 lbs Ground Pork
- 1 Pack Smoked Hocks
- 11 lbs bacon (includes 3 lb mix of sirloin bacon, jowl bacon, and ends & pieces)
- 1 Pork Butt 3-4 lbs each
- 2 Pork arm Roast 3-4 lbs each
Our meat is sourced from several PNW Farms and Ranches.
Our pork is raised on feed consisting of 35% red wheat, 35% barley and 30% Austrian peas. No soy or corn and non-GMO.
Not eligible for general coupon promotions (non-bulk specific coupons).
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